Earn 50% bonus on every dollar you make between now and December 31st!
Coach like a trainer.
Earn like a creator.
Scale like a business.
TOTUM's wellness economy is where personal training and health coaching thrives and content is valuable. Connecting coaching and training entrepreneurs with a captive community and sponsorship opportunities.
Today's Top Earner
Virtual Studios Built for Entertrainers
An "Entertrainer" is a fitness professional who embodies the unique blend of entertainment and training, enhancing individual and community experiences beyond traditional workout routines. In today's competitive coaching landscape, being an Entertrainer is crucial. Capture clients' attention and sustain their engagement with interactive and enjoyable content. By merging entertainment with fitness instruction, Entertrainers can differentiate themselves. This approach is particularly effective in the Totum ecosystem, which supports and promotes this innovative blend, providing a platform where fitness meets fun, ensuring coaches can stand out, thrive, and make more money.

Ways To Make More Money

Individuals can purchase your services and become clients. Services can be billed as one-time or recurring charges. Even sell merchandise.

Upload and give access to your content. Content includes photos, videos, audio files, and PDFs. Sell as subscriptions or one-time purchases.

Sell interactive and dynamic programs to your clients and audience. Use PDFs as template or create routines from scratch.

Go live with groups or one-on-one calls. Charge a fee for attendance or consultations.

Individuals can purchase your services and become clients. Services can be billed as one-time or recurring charges. Even sell merchandise.

We provide coaches with the tools to scale their business and make more money.

Robust Tooling

One platform for both coaching and content needs. Real business software for the Entertrainment iIndustry.

Dynamic Content

Engaging content and programs distribution & consumption methods. Content Storage.

Collect Payments

Payment collection and same-day bank transfer capabilities to manage client billing.

Client Management

Ability to coach and manage client health including activity, goals, and nutrition tracking.

Assistant Coach

Generative AI support for program creation, client analysis, and business optimization.


Individual and group messaging. Conduct one-on-one consultations, group video calls, and live streaming.


Built-in Marketing automations to maximize customer relationships.


Client and user-only tools to create a large user audience.


TV App streaming platform. Royalty-sharing product offering to clients. Become a TV star.


Every coach has unique business needs. Whether you manage a community, produce content, or coach individual clients, Totum helps support and grow your business.




Messaging: DM & Group
Host On-Demand Content
Sell Subscriptions
Create Goals & Challenges
Events & In-App Fundraising
Access to Totum +
Totum Payments
Premium Live Sessions
Dynamic Programming
1:1 Client Management
Sell Services
Advanced Analytics  
Totum Co-Op 
Built-in Marketing  

Coach Pro



Messaging: DM & Group
Host On-Demand Content
Sell Subscriptions
Create Goals & Challenges
Events & In-App Fundraising
Access to Totum +
Totum Payments
Premium Live Sessions
Dynamic Programming
1:1 Client Management
Sell Services
Advanced Analytics  
Totum Co-Cop 
Built-in Marketing  




$192 billed annually

Messaging: DM & Group
Host On-Demand Content
Sell Subscriptions
Create Goals & Challenges
Events & In-App Fundraising
Access to Totum+
Totum Payments
Premium Live Sessions
Dynamic Programming
1:1 Client Management
Sell Services
Advanced Analytics  
Totum Co-Op 
Built-in Marketing  

Coach Pro



$360 billed annually

Messaging: DM & Group
Host On-Demand Content
Sell Subscriptions
Create Goals & Challenges
Events & In-App Fundraising
Access to Totum +
Totum Payments
Premium Live Sessions
Dynamic Programming
1:1 Client Management
Sell Services
Advanced Analytics  
Totum Co-Cop 
Built-in Marketing  
Collaboration > Competition
Help grow the community with the best referral program in the game.
$40 /per referral
Limited time only
Coach Better. Earn More.
Get Started